Some excellent and free mind mapping tools can be found listed on Here’s the top 5. Two that interest me the most: mindmeister (free and web-based) XMind (free windows/mac/linux) Once you…
Category: technology
General technology
Automate with Snow Leopard
If you own a mac and have installed Snow Leopard, you need to take a look at Services. Snow Leopard has seriously upgraded automator and services with this latest release. Services will…
ThinkPad USB Keyboard
This is so cool. I have always enjoyed the feel and responsiveness of the IBM/Lenovo Thinkpad keyboards. Now you can buy a USB version for $59.00 US for your home PC. I…
If you need a cable or home theater accessory, I challenge you to find a better price than what offers. Unbelievable. I just found an eSATA cable for less than $4.00….
Passport security
Why am I writing about passports on a tech site? Because they are now being made with RFID chips inside. Turns out my passport will expire in the coming months and while…
Search for the best headphones
For the last few weeks I’ve been on a search for really good headphones at a decent price. It’s been difficult to make a decision because I hadn’t found any really good…
Microsoft Updates Office 2008 for Mac
And WOW, it’s FAST! I applied the service pack 2 update last night and the speed improvement is dramatic. Don’t delay getting this update. More on the update can be found on…
Get Windows for Free for a year
For those of you that want to play around with Windows for some reason, you can. Microsoft is providing its Windows 7 Release Candidate as a free download! The coolest part is…
Online document editors
If you’ve been living under a tree, without wifi, not on the twitters or without a netbook for the last few years you may not have known or heard of google docs….